Recent Publications

(2016a) Phase Theory and Its Consequences:The Initial and Recursive Symbol S. eds. with Manabu Mizuguchi. Kaitakusha.

(2016b) Labeling Ambiguity in the Root Context and Sentence-Final Particles. with Yoshiro Asayama. In Miyoko Yasui and Manabu Mizuguchi (eds). Phase Theory and Its Consequences:The Initial and Recursive Symbol S. Kaitrakusha.

(2014a) "Innocuousness of {XP, YP} as a root clause in Japanese and English." MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 73: Proceedings of FAJL 7: Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics
Full Paper

(2014b) Sharing Light Verbs between Passive and Active Transitive Verbs. WCCFL 31 (Cascadilla Proceedings Project) (2013a) "Feature Compositions of Little v’s in Passives." Paper presented at Little v Workshop at Leiden University Center for Linguistics on October 26, 2013.

(2013b) "Sharing Light Verbs between Passive and Active Transitive Verbs." Paper presented at WCCFL 31 February 8-10, Arizona State University.
Abstract / Handout / Full Paper

(2011) "Adjectival Roots and the Single Engine Hypothesis." 13th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar SICOGG 13 August 16-19, Sogang University.
Presentation Slides / Paper (1.7MB) / Paper (0.2MB)

(2009a) "Prepositional versus Verbal Causativizers." The 40th annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society NELS 40 November 13-15, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Extended Abstract / Full Paper

(2009b) "Linearization of Syntactic Dependency Graphs in terms of Traversal Algorithms" Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages Collection of the Papers Selected from the CIL 18 held at Korea University in Seoul, on July 21-26, pp. 1612-1627.

(2009) An Advantages of icon-fonts in e-learning for language education/training" (With Jochen Gros (professor emeritus at Hochschule fur Gestaltung Offenbach)) 日本e-Learning学会誌 vol 9. (2008) "Advantages of icon-fonts in e-learning for language education/training." (Jochen Grosとの共同発表). 日本e-Learning学会秋季学術講演会.京都情報大学院大学

(2008) 失語症リハビリにおける遠隔/e-ラーニングの導入について 第32回日本高次脳機能障害学会(旧日本失語症学会)学術総会.愛媛県民会館11月9日(professor emeritus at Hochschule fur Gestaltung Offenbach))

(2006a) "Bound Pronouns without C-command, Leftness Condition, and Sideward Movement." English Linguistics 23(2).

(2006b) "Syntactic Representations without PF-vacuous Nonterminal Nodes and Traversal Algorithms." ms.

(2004) "An order-free representation of syntactic structure and the head-parameter." Dokkyo University Studies in English Vol. 60, 3-31.

(2004a) "Syntactic Structure without Projection Labels." ms.

(2004b) "Asymmetries in Word Order and Syntactic Structure as Lexical Graph." ms.

Inorder Traversal Program

Readme for Inorder Traversal Program

Inorder Traversal Program

Readme for Inorder Traversal Program

(2003a) "A Graph-Theoretic Reanalysis of Bare Phrase Structure Theory and its Implications on Parametric Variation." Paper presented at Linguistics and Phonetics 2002 (Meikai University, Urayasu) To appear in Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistics and Phonetics 2002, Charles University Press.

(2002) "Crash-Proofness of the Lexicon and Bare Phrase Structure" ms.

(2000) "Symmetric Projection in Japanese and English: A modification of Stabler's parsing/generation model for minimalist grammar." Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 14), 161-174

(1999) Categorial Status of the Question Morpheme Ka in Japanese and Bare Phrase Structure In Linguistics: In Serch of Human Mind: Festschrift for Kazuko Inoue. Edited by Masatake Muraki and Enoch Iwamoto, Kaitakusha.

(1997) "Identification of Ellipses and Other Empty Categories." UCI Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 3. Edited by Luther Chen-Sheng Liu and Kazue Takeda.

(1995) "Selectional Properties of English and Japanese Clause-Markers and the Head Parameter." Dokkyo University Studies in English Vol. 45.

Recent Presentations

(2019) Labeling {XP, YP} in languages without phi-agreement. Theoretial East Asian Linguistics 12. University of Macau. Handout

(2018) Nominal versus Verbal Passive Morphemes:A Micro/Macroparametric Approach. International Workshop on Syntactic Analyticity and Grammatical Parameters・ Beijing Language and Culture University.

(2015). 日本語終助詞の非文末用法. 浅山佳郎と共同発表 日本語文法学会・学習院女子大学.

(2014) Internal Head Merger and Upward Feature Sharing. Workshop on the Phasehood of CP and Other Projections. 第32回日本英語学会大会・学習院大学

(2014) Labeling Ambiguities and Sentence-final Particles in Japanese. with Yoshiro Asayama. Internal Workshop in Linguistics at Dokkyo University.

(2014) Labeling Ambiguity in the Root Context and Sentence-Final Particles. FAJL 7・ICU. Extended Handout

(2013) Feature Compositions of Little v’s in Passives. Little v Workshop at Leiden University Center for Linguistics・Leiden University.

(2012)Sharing Light Verbs between Passive and Active Transitive Verbs

(2009) Prepositional versus Verbal Causativizers (2004) Building and Linearizing Order-free Syntactic Structures in Terms of Stack-based Algorithms

(2002) A Graph-Theoretic Reanalysis of Bare Phrase Structure Theory and its Implications on Parametric Variation

(2000) Symmetric Projection in Japanese and English: A Modification of Stabler's Parsing/Generation Model for Minimalist Grammar.
